Sunday, 24 January 2010

My Humble Thank You

Friday 22nd January 2010, 3.20pm, Santi Villas - Vang Vieng

A strange thing has started to happen in the past week or so. Every time I am in a public place scribbling in my notebook (which is more often than not, I don't want to hole myself away in my room), I have had people around me enquire as to what I'm writing, and then after a brief explanation about the blog, have asked, 'will you put me in it?'. In the past week alone I have had roughly 12 or so requests for blog immortalisation, sometimes from people who have had little more than 3 minutes conversation with me before wondering aloud if I will become their holiday journal ghost writer.

My now standard jesting response is 'well that depends on whether you do anything interesting or clever'. I will though make an exception for a curly haired, baby faced, cheeky Australian scamp who we spent a few days with in Hanoi and Halong Bay, and who shouted out to me across the beach on Monday, 'Hey Anne Frank! You writing about me again?'. Not interesting or clever Andy, but it did make me laugh. I've met a lot of people, some will be friends, some will not, some deserve my time to write about them, others barely deserved my company; but I am not thinking about any of these people today. Today I am thinking about Sarah and Jo.

Two unfathomably beautiful, fiercely smart and successful young women, and I am pleased to say, long-standing friends of mine. In a completely serendipitous circumstance girls, you sent me almost identical e-mails within 24 hours of each other and I read them both earlier this afternoon. I write this now only for you two, to let you know how bowled over I was by your generosity, loyalty and love and to say thank you in the most public way I can. Without knowing it, Sarah and Jo, you have sent me your words at a time when it was very important for me to read them. You have made me feel special and worthy of kindness, and that - you will have to trust me on this one - was something I greatly needed today. It's like you both knew.

Thank goodness for good friends. For people who can make you feel better from halfway across the world, for people who support, rally and believe in you, without any expectation of it being recognised or written about. xxxxxx

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