Sunday, 21 February 2010

The Giving Of Gifts

Thursday 11th February 2010, 3.30pm, Couch - Lounge - Apartment - Bangkok

The last time I was here in Bangkok I stayed for a night at a friend's condo in the city. Bear with me while I explain the link... my darling friend Hannah has an older brother, Daniel. Daniel is married to a gorgeous, funny, intelligent Thai woman named Mod, and it is Dan and Mod's apartment (well, specifically, their sofa), from where I now pen this blog. Friends with siblings with luxury Bangok apartments really are the best sort of friends I think. Much to Hannah's surprise it was I, not Dan or Mod, who answered the house phone when she rang earlier today, this was the first time in ages that we've been able to talk and it was such a wonderful treat to hear such a close friend's voice. Probably less of a treat for her given that I casually mentioned how I had taken her sweetheart of an innocent sister-in-law to an infamous Ping Pong show last night, I considered it a cultural flaw that Mod had never witnessed one, and I was curious. Corrupting her family in her absence - that's what friends are for. If you want details of said Ping Pong show you shall have to e-mail me I'm afraid, I have my limits about what I can comfortably vocalise in public.

I rang Mod on Wednesday morning to let her know I was in town. The last time I was here, after, ooh, a week of travelling, I managed to leave my ever so fabulous and frighteningly garish neon Nike hi-tops in the guest room, so Mod has been faithfully guarding them for me from the teeth of Benji - her aesthetically challenged, rat-resembling Chihuahua. It's alright, I'm allowed to talk about him this way, Mod says that he is 'too ugly to be alive'. This morning we spent about an hour dressing him up in the various costumes she has bought for him, taking photos and laughing about how equally grotesque and lovable he is - my particular favourite was the bumblebee costume, it has wings and antennae, just the right amount of ridiculous. He got his own back though; whilst I was reclaiming my trainers Benji was searching through my bag for a new object of desire. He is now the proud owner of my pink bikini top, which I surrendered to his clutches after walking in on him making love to it.

When she knew I was here wanting a night out with her as well as the recuperation of my 80's dream shoes, Mod, in a typically gracious and welcoming Thai fashion, demanded that I leave my hotel immediately and come and stay with her for the rest of the time that I'm here. Oh OK Mod, I think I can drag myself away from my windowless, expensive cell and come and live with you for free in 19th floor, rooftop garden, indoor swimming pool, leather sofa luxury. If I must. Dan is away on business in Malaysia and Mod has been in and out running errands for friends and family (so Thai), so I've been given my own key, instructed to come and go as I please, and have been swanning about like I own the place.

This was particularly in evidence yesterday when I had some friends round. Yes, that's right, I entertained guests at the condo. I'm a cheeky cow aren't I, but Mod, on learning I had 3 friends from Chiang Mai in Bangkok, insisted that I invite them over for early evening drinks. Monty, Cheryl and Claire joined me yesterday morning in town, and after some obligatory oohing and aahing tourist appreciation noises made at the Grand Palace, I told them I knew of a view they couldn't afford to miss, gave them the condo address, and ordered them in to a cab. The view from the rooftop garden on the 22nd floor of the condo was, back in early December on the King's birthday, one which reduced me to drunk, grateful tears. The real pleasures in life though, as I was intensely aware of last night, are the chances to share these experiences with others.

The first time I stepped out there and saw the metropolis of Bangkok; the river, the long boats, the palace, the fireworks, the skyscrapers, the temples, the markets and the parties, all spread out beneath me, I honestly believed that nothing would ever be able to top this view. I was wrong, being able to give it to someone else made it so much better. Watching my own remembered amazement in their eyes on stepping out in to that garden reinvigorated my awe for it, and gave me in turn an overwhelmingly warm feeling that I'd gone some way in contributing to the enjoyment of this, the last night of their 3 week Thailand holiday. It's true what they say you know, there's so much more joy in giving than receiving. Unless of course this is the giving of a perfectly nice bikini, to a randy little dog.

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